Dr. Johnson, Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Olzack, our team of dentists at Acre Wood Dental, understand that many of our patients who have experienced tooth loss are hesitant about committing to extensive treatments that require surgery or reshaping your teeth. If you are looking for a more affordable, non-invasive method for replacing teeth, our dentists may suggest dentures. What are Dentures? Dentures are removable prosthetic teeth that are ideal for replacing most or all of your smile. We offer many different types of dentures, including full dentures and partial dentures.

Full dentures are used to replace all the teeth in your upper or lower dental arch, or both. They are made from replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored base and are worn snugly over the gums. On the other hand, partial dentures require some natural teeth to remain in your smile. Partial dentures often use a thin metal framework to help hold your denture in place. We are also able to provide dentures to fit over dental implants.

If you are embarrassed to smile because of missing teeth, we encourage you to consider dentures in Waco, Texas. For more information and to schedule your appointment, please contact us today. We hope to hear from you soon!

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