A Tooth with a Sensitive Dental Filling Might Need a Dental Crown Restoration

Dental fillings created from metallic amalgam or composite resin are typically hardened and bonded securely to the surrounding tooth enamel. Yet as the years go by, general inconsistencies in your daily oral hygiene practices could demineralize the local tooth enamel. This could cause the dental filling to gradually weaken its hold.

Early symptoms of a failing dental filling could include lingering discomfort, a mild toothache, or a gradually increasing sensitivity. Sometimes a failing dental filling will also cause a change in texture or it will develop noticeable gray shade in the surrounding tooth enamel.

If you are concerned about a previously repaired tooth, you need to seek timely treatment from a professionally trained dentist like Dr. [doctor_name]. If the dental filling was large or a significant amount of tooth enamel has been compromised by a new cavity, [heshe] might recommend treating the tooth with a dental crown.

This mode of treatment is intended to fully replace the original tooth enamel layer with an alternate material that will not be susceptible to demineralization or tooth decay.

After its creation in a professional dental lab, Dr. [doctor_name] will install it onto the healthy core of the tooth by cementing it with a strong dental adhesive. If you have a tooth with a sensitive dental filling, you should call [phone] to have it treated at [practice_name]’s dental offices in [city], [state].

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